Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What's new in week 35, 2008

Tuesday, 2008-08-26, Copenhagen

Open source tools have been evolving to the era that enterprises are starting to use them in mission-critical tasks. Open source community has started working on three emerging areas, VOIP, CRM, and mobility, which brings more challenges to the commercial vendors. Linux is another striking example against Windows system.

Intel recently launched its new Centrino 2 platform which offers better performance at a low power consumption. Well, let’s wait and see what AMD says about it.

Cloud computing is also coming into the security market. In addition to all existing online virus –detection services, vendors are looking into the online-backup market. To put your files into the cloud may be the only safe thing if one cannot trust her/his own computer system. Companies like Webroot, HP Upline, and SOS Online Backup are in this field.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What's new in week 32, 2008

Sunday, 2008-08-10, Copenhagen

Seagate has recently released 1.5 TB desktop hard drive and a 0.5 TB drive for laptop. With the great growth of information in different enterprises. Hard drive technology seems to be always important in terms of both technology and business.

Many enterprises have been realizing the importance and benefit of collaborative intelligence. A lot of collaboration tools are coming into the business world. Despite the big vendors, cloud computing sites, such as SocialText, are bring the concpets to SMBs and private customers.

One of the major IT services companies, InfoSys has reported a strong increase in net income in Q1 of 2008. It seems that, despite the economy down in the western world, the big asia countries are still benfiting from the low service prices. Well, when economy is down, every western enterprise is searching for ways of saving the budget. To go to the eastern world is one of the solutions.

Big enterprises to start using open source databases? Well, maybe not for mission-critical applications. But if we look at the price lists from the giant vendors, why not throw away the vendors' offer and hire a few talent guys who know the open source tools much better?